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Introducing The Singular Santiago - Lastarria Hotel.

As defined in our mission statement, our hotels are grouped under the same name "The Singular", though each one of them is unique, different and one of a kind, yet share the same Singular service spirit Therefore, just like the awarded The Singular Patagonia at the Singular Lastarria we will much emphasize the service, gastronomy and create Singular experiences for our guests.

The hotel will have 62 spacious rooms, the largest in the area. All decorated with subtle, suimple but refined stylish furniture complemented by the comfort of a hotel that doesnt need to adjust to pre existent structures due to the fact that it has been built from scratch with the vision of always serve as a hotel In summary. The Singular Santiago will have all the services and standards that our guests should expect from a luxury hotel, where we will deliver all of our experience and family tradition in the hospitality business.

The estimated opening date is the second trimester of 2014

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